WIPO naj bi internetnim ponudnikom avdiovizualij odobril monopol

Še ena nova iz klinča tehnologija : vsebine. WIPO (Svetovna organizacija za intelektualno lastnino) namerava internetnim ponudnikom avdiovizualij odobriti monopol, ne glede na licenčne pogoje vsebin, torej pogoje varovanja avtorskega dela, ki jih določajo ustvarjalci. Članek Coryja Doctorowa na www.boingboing.net

WIPO wants to give webcasters the right to steal from public domain, Creative Commons and GPL

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO, a UN agency that makes copyright and related treaties, which lead to disasters like the DMCA) is once again considering adding “webcasting” to the upcoming Broadcast Treaty. This would allow a webcaster (anyone who sends you audiovisual material over the Internet) to have a 50 monopoly over what you do with the material you receive from him — even if he’s sending you Creative Commons-licensed work, GPL’ed Flash animations, or stuff that’s in the public domain. It would also make it illegal to break any DRM used in connection with webcasting.